
Saturday, July 13


Dresden, the capital of the German federal state of Saxony used to be a beautiful historical city, however, during final months of World War 2, it suffered severe bombings leading to 75% of the city being destroyed. War destroys, I really wish for world peace and that people will stop fighting with each other. After all, with such conflicts, no one wins and we just lose touch with our history and our common humanity. 

Dresden has about ten million tourists a year, most of them from Germany. Dresden is a stop between Prague and Berlin. 

Dresden became a city in 1206 and recently celebrated its 800th birthday in 2006.
Though beautiful, most of the buildings that have been reconstructed. 

I was only in Dresden for a day trip. If you are ever there, I would highly recommend that you visit the Frauenkirche, the Church of Our Lady. The original church was completely destroyed during World War 2 and whatever you see standing now has been reconstructed.

Dresden most famous landmark, the Frauenkirche ( Source: Wikipedia)
I love this church. It was rather crowded when I was there.   
The feeling you get inside the church is simply amazing. I absolutely LOVE the pastel colours used and the delicate cravings and art work. The entire place just overwhelms you, and after visiting so many churches in Europe, I must say this is one of my favorite churches! You can Google the place for more images, due to the lighting, I believe the photo I took does not do the place justice. It's a place you must visit when you are in Dresden, it made my short trip there worth it!

What's traveling without some food? ;)
You know what's the problem with day trips? You rush around and before you can fully orientate yourself to the place, you have to leave. You don't get to fully immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and culture of the place. Sadly, that was what happened to me. And therefore, I can only present to you a photo log of what I did in Dresden. They were just moments I captured. As for the actual details, I cannot remember as everything just passed in a flash.

This is the train station I arrived in 

Does it look artistic? This is a shot I took in the museum 

Love the pile of snow in the middle of no where and the bare trees <3

That's me, well protected from the cold
Weather in Dresden is rather gloomy when I was there and therefore I didn't manage to get many nice shots of the place and waterfront. But believe me, it's a spectacular city with a baroque feel! A place worth visiting if you have the time.

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