
Tuesday, November 19

A Trip to Body Contours (A Review)


A few days back, I received a telemarketing phone call from Body Contours. The caller said that they were offering a special promotion and were giving away free facial treatments. Usually, I would ignore such deals thinking it would be too good to be true, after all, why would they give away free services if there were no terms attached to it? Somehow, something stopped me from rejecting them outright this time. Perhaps, the idea of a facial was too good to resist. My face did need some pampering! Besides, the caller sounded rather friendly.

After agreeing to take up the offer, the appointment was quickly arranged. It was set to be the upcoming Saturday.

The Procedure

On Saturday, I arrived punctually at Body Contours, Hill Street. Had some trouble locating the place because it was at the basement of the building. Their telemarketing must have been really effective because the place was rather crowded. (I did not know so many people actually respond to telemarketing!) I was ushered to a seat and made to wait for about 15 minutes. Soon, a therapist came and gave a diagnosis for my face.

She pointed out that my face was too dry, and that the free aromatherapy facial I was there for would not suffice for my face. She told me I had to top up $40 if I wanted my facial. I knew it!!! Once again, a reminder that there is no free lunch in the world. I felt a little cheated, but as I have already blocked my time off for facial, I decided to give myself a treat and go ahead with the treatment.

My Experience 

10 minutes later, I was ushered into a room. Quite a cosy, peaceful and comfortable environment with light spa music playing in the background. The ambiance is not the best though. Each room was separated by just a thin wall so I could hear what was going on in the next room.

The redeeming factor, however, was that the 60 minutes facial was great! I had a really comfortable and professional treatment. The therapist applied intense and rich moisturizing to my face and pampered my face to the max! I love the cool mask at the end, really relaxed my tense facial muscles. Felt so relaxed and happy after that.

After the Treatment 

After the treatment, another sales representative came and started to talk to me about their facial packages. She said that I needed regular facial treatments to keep my skin healthy. The package was something like that, cannot remember the exact details: 6 sessions of 60 mins facial+15 minutes eye treatment for around $300 with an offset of the payment I was supposed to make. The lady was saying I had bad eye bags and I should do something about it before it is too late. The eye treatment uses lymphatic drainage which would help to reduce my eye bags.

She tried to convince me to take up a package, and I felt the price was rather reasonable, however, even though I was tempted to sign up for a package, I did not, because I did not want to be impulsive, and also I did not like how they try to up sell their services.

All in all, I enjoyed the experience. I guess it's good to pamper myself with facial and spa treats once in a while!

My Learnings

1. In Sales, you must walk the talk- Those sales representative all had beautiful and smooth skin (not sure whether it was the makeup), but it indeed helped make it seem convincing that facial would make your skin as smooth as theirs.

2. Be confident of yourself- Another thing I realized about such facial services or any sales in general is that they tend to be fear-driven. They try to point out your flaws and try to make you feel insecure such that you feel you need their services. Even if they compliment you, there will be a BUT attached. So it is important to be confident and comfortable with your own skin, know your stand, to prevent yourself from being influenced easily.

3. No free lunch in the world - This point is rather self-explanatory. Should you answer to a telemarketing call? Well, it's up to you. It's not all bad. I learnt so much from it, and you never know, you might just get lucky and really get a free facial service without a top up! I guess it's just important to approach such calls warily.

4. Take good care of my face-  I became more aware about how I have been neglecting to take good care of my face. I have been blessed with smooth and clear skin but I do not take care of it regularly. I need to moisturize my face more frequently to prevent pre-mature aging. Cannot take what I have for granted!

5. Using Lymphatic Drainage to reduce eye bags- Lastly, my biggest takeaway is learning about lymphatic drainage. When I got home, I Googled it and realized it can be done at home! Now, I have learnt a new technique to reduce my puffy eyes! If you too have puffy eyes, here's something you might like to try!

A quick tutorial with a relaxing way to help reduce eye puffiness and dark circles. These techniques can also help to relieve sinus pressure and headaches due to seasonal allergies

Thank you for reading till the end! Thought this post might be useful for people who might be deciding whether to take up a telemarketing offer! Hope you learnt something. Feel free to leave your comments below! <3 


  1. thanks for this, i received a call from them. now i know what to do

  2. Wow, had no idea they were giving 'free facials' since 2013. I had just received a call from them yesterday and I booked an appointment for their facial tomorrow in celebration of their 18 years of operations. I knew there had to be a catch and your post proves it. I'll definitely be wary of when they start pushing me to buy their packages.. Thanks for sharing your experience! :)
