
Monday, April 14

Just a little more kindness

What happens when you see someone carrying a clipboard and a bunch of keychains/notebooks walking towards you? Is it your instinctive reaction to avoid? You quicken your pace, walk faster, busy yourself with your phone, and try to appear as invisible as possible as you avoid all eye contact. After passing by them, you let out a sigh of relief and feel glad you have managed to avoid an encounter. If that describes you perfectly, read on!

This group of people are usually students/ex-convicts/part-timers from low income families trying to earn some extra money by selling little items at about $10 each. Part of the proceeds go to them and part of it goes to the company, so they earn only about $4 from each sale.

I must say, it is not an easy job and many are shunned like flies. 

Here's a story I would like to share regarding my encounter with one of them. 

Last week, my boyfriend and I were walking along Vivo when suddenly, a girl selling notebooks came to us. She was soft spoken and timid. We were caught up in our conversation and did not really pay attention to her and walked right passed her. At the corner of my ear, I heard that she was saying something like "don't look down on us."

Just then, my boyfriend asked me. "What did she want?" And I told him, she is probably one of those people trying to sell stuff. My boyfriend being the kind-hearted and nice guy he is, decided that why not let's buy something from her. I thought it was a good idea and excitedly agreed!

Not wanting to catch attention and attract weird states (how self-conscious we sometimes can be!), we made a detour to get back to where she was standing. When we reached that, I was shocked to see that the girl had her t-shirt covering her head and she was sobbing! She looked she helpless and scared. At that moment, I was so glad we returned. 

We immediately asked her what was wrong and what happened. She looked up, and her tear-stained face showed how difficult it must have been for her. 

You never know what they are going through until you walk a mile in their shoes.

She recounted how it was so difficult selling things and it was her first time doing so. Everyone was either ignoring or rejecting her. Being soft-spoken and shy, it was even harder for her. We comforted her, told her not to worry, and bought a notebook from her. She looked really grateful and her sorrowful eyes transformed into happiness. It was a really heart-warming moment for me. 

To make her feel a little better, we also tried to offer her some tips on how she could better sell her stuff. It's about being 'thick skin' and 'it's a numbers game, approach as many people as possible and you may get more sales.' 

As we said our farewells, I felt really happy to know we made someone's day. I realised how a small action from us can touch someone's life. It's about the little moments in life that makes the most difference. Our timely appearance gave the girl new hope and strength to carry on. 

Be kind. Kindness creates beautiful moments in life.

This is one of life's little moments I would like to share with all, and remind you that, showing a little more kindness and slowing down to pay more attention to the world around you can do wonders. You will feel good as well. 

Let us show people around us more kindness and love, a greeting to the bus driver, a smile to strangers you see on the street, taking a flyer handout from the person handing out flyers, because you never know what they are going through and what their story is. 

We all have a part to play, and I believe if each and everyone of us show just a little more kindness, the world would be a much more beautiful place <3

Have a great day ahead!


  1. Lovely story on kindness Yu Ting! Having empathy for others is also a big factor in kindness isn't it? You showed it by offering the girl some tips! :)

    May we publish your story in a section on our website here?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi SKM Webmaster,

      Sure you may! Great website you have there! Would love to spread the word on kindness :)

      Stay tuned...more stories to come! :D

      With Love
      Yu Ting
