Sunday, April 28

Doing the Real Work

And so I wanted to improve my presentation skills and I engaged a coach to work with me on this. After the session, my coach assigned me a homework- and that was to do 20 hours of drills, for a 3-min share.

That was equivalent to about practicing the same share for 750 times. What?!!

It sounded crazy and for the next few weeks, instead of diligently working towards my goal, I procrastinated. I put off practicing.

Even though I wanted to improve, every time I thought of the number of hours, I was put off and found something else to distract myself with instead. I was trying to focus on unimportant stuff and putting off the real work. I was avoiding pain and responsibility which is essential if I want to pursue my dreams and work toward my goal.

In the end, after 3 weeks, I only consciously drilled for one hour. I was hesitant and felt bad about myself. I was dreading class having not done my work.

During the class, as expected we were told to share. I was surprised that my coach did not ask me for the number of hours I put in, I guess she could tell from our shares whether we did our work. I shared, and I thankfully for that one hour of practice I was slightly better than the previous time. My coursemates were diligent in their practice and had improved a lot. I felt bad about myself.
That was when I had a realization. It was not about trying to do it to hit the hours. Whatever I did was for myself. I was accountable only to myself. If I did not do the work, no one will bear the repercussions except myself. I can lie to everyone but I cannot lie to myself. I owe it to myself to achieve the breakthrough, the results, the reason I engaged a coach in the first place. No one could do the work for me. They can only point me to the right direction.

Learning points

It was never about hitting the 750 hours. It was the process, the journey I go through to hit that, and the person I become along the way. If the work is intentional, I will be already reaping the rewards just by doing it. Personal growth. Likewise if I do not do the work, no one lose out except myself. I would have let myself down.


Often times we work so hard in our lives to achieve our end goal, to be financially free, to be a successful figure, but that itself is just a goal to strive towards. What matters most is the journey to the destination.

The experiences you go through and people you meet along the way. Life would be meaningless if you were to get what you want right away without putting in the effort. The struggle is essential, the struggle helps us grow. Think of a caterpillar breaking out of its cocoon into a butterfly. Without the struggle, they will never emerge a butterfly. Or precious stones which are form under a high pressure, high heat environment.

We are all diamonds waiting to be polished. Many of us avoid the feeling of discomfort, not realizing it is exactly that which will bring the shine out in us.
The struggle is real. What are you willing to struggle for? Find something that makes the fight worthwhile.
So start creating the life you want and planning for experiences that lights up your heart...because there is no failure, just the journey, and every part of it makes your life uniquely yours.

Starting on Your Life’s Work

“I want to do more in life, where should I start?”
Getting started is never easy. You may have many ideas or you may have none. If you are lucky, you may already know what you want to focus on e.g. starting your own cafe, working on technology. But if you are like most of us, clue-less, here’s some tips I’ll like to share.

Number one #1

Find your Value Proposition.

You need to know what you stand for. What you want people to know you as. Never define yourself by your job title, or plot your career path based on the next job with a higher pay. After a while it gets meaningless. Instead, ask yourself what you would like people to know you as.

It could be, the go-to person for good advice on strategic marketing solutions for B2B products. Create a personal brand for yourself.
For myself, my personal brand would be- to be the thought leader for the field of health and wellness. To be the catalyst for people who would like to come fully alive. To be that spark to reignite that fire in them - Body. Mind. Gut.
Number #2

Know your Strengths

For the longest time, I made the mistake of focusing on my weaknesses instead of my strengths. I did not want my weaknesses to become a stumbling block for me, so I spent a lot of my time ‘preparing’ myself. Working on my weaknesses instead of really starting on my life’s work.

The truth was I was scared to start because starting actually meant the possibility of failure. If I did not start, I always had the potential of succeeding instead of being proven a failure.

Take some time to notice your strengths. Gather feedback from your close ones- they may be able to offer new insights to your strengths. For example, I always thought I was slightly above average in the looks department and am shy and not good at public speaking. I love writing and creating and thought that that’s nothing special and creating content comes easily to anyone. Apparently that was not the case.

Over time, I got to learn that people find me pretty attractive! Their perception of me is also that I am well spoken and confident. It was so different from the perception I had of myself. As what they say, fake it till you make it. I have come to learn that it doesn’t really matter what you really feel inside (e.g. that you are not good enough) but what people perceive you to be. Knowing your strength would allow you to turn that strength into your advantage.

Just like for me, knowing my strength allowed me to strategically position me to become an influencer in the health and wellness field.

Number #3

Create a Success Loop

Systems systems systems!! It’s all about creating a system that works for you. Because as you probably know by now, success is not created overnight. It is the accumulation of your daily habits. The Compound Effect is very real, and it really adds up over time. Don’t neglect what a simple and seemingly innocent decision can do to you in the long run
I used to think that I need to be ready before I begin. I was constantly accumulating resources, never actually taking action. Some of you may be like me, just stuck at preparing yourself for that battle, be it starting your own business, taking up a new hobby, basically doing anything out of your comfort zone.

You know what I have realized? If you are like me, we have got it all wrong! It does not work like that. The secret is that there are actually many many many cycles of the loop. And it’s usually an upward spiral.

What this means is that with whatever resources you have...however limited, you should just take action, and when the action generates results, the results actually provide you with more resources! And building on the resources you just do more and more results will come. This way you form a success loop.

What does this mean- Instead of saying no time to pursue what you are supposed to do, even if you have just 15 min, just write, more often than not, you will gain more energy and inspiration once you start writing leading to you wanting to write more. (This is what I am sharing from personal experience. I just started writing and before I know it, it has been an hour since I started)

Always remember that it is very important to create a success loop, it will help you to sustain your actions and grow results over time despite perceived limitations.

Number #4

Plant Seeds

This is another important principle which was made very clear and real in this book- the Diamond Cutter. It is a good read if you have not read it yet. Basically the book talks about the power of planting the right of kind of seeds, without expecting anything in return. Like if you want more money, if donating to charity without expecting anything in return.

If you want to find clarity in what you do, focus your energy on what helping others find clarity. It’s interesting how the laws of the universe works.

Number #5

Keep doing the work. Have faith!

It takes time. Success takes time. The most important part is really to enjoy the journey. I have come to realize that at the end of the day, pessimistic as it may seem, we will all die. What we have, what we do, may one day no longer matter. We are all just dust in the wind. However, what will be reaped is the experience in the moment, cliche as it may sound, it’s not the destination that really matters, but who you become as a result of taking that journey.

So keep doing the work, don’t be afraid to make tweaks along the way, you do not need to have all the answers from the start, and have fun!
“Loosen up a bit- laugh more, get involved with people around you, do simple things. If you only do important things, you will be dead serious.” - Sadhguru
All the best! Let me know if you have other tips to share in the comments box below.

Friday, February 8

The Hard Truth about Milk

As many of us may observe, there is a health trend where people are moving towards veganism (being vegan is different from being a vegetarian as a vegan does not consume any animal derived products- e.g. milk, eggs, honey). 

I am halfway on-board the bandwagon (knowing being vegan is healthier but yet at the same time not being able to give up my butter, cheese and milk). 

I love to drink milk. Love the creamy texture. Nothing beats the feeling of warm comforting liquid flowing down my throat. 

I have always known milk was not too good for me. Because more often than not, when I drink milk, I will end up having loose bowels, and start coughing phlegm. However, I did not know how bad it was until I came across an article in Healing with Whole Food by Paul Pitchford

Side track a little- This book is highly recommended for anyone interested in finding out how what you consume affects your body, and using food as thy medicine. It combines Western, TCM and Ayurvedic field of studies, and I like that it also has some spiritual elements to it.

So what did I read?

Here's the excerpt from Paul Pitchford's book, page 19. 

What is homogenized milk?

Homogenized cow’s milk transforms healthy butterfat into microscopic spheres of fats containing xanthine oxidase (XO) which is one of the most powerful digestive enzymes there is. The spheres are small enough to pass intact right through the stomach and intestine walls without first being digested.
Thus this extremely powerful protein knife, XO, floats throughout the body in the blood and lymph systems. When the XO breaks free from its fat envelope, it attacks the inner wall of whatever vessel it is in. This creates a wound. The wound triggers the arrival of patching plaster to seal off that wound. The patching plaster is cholesterol. Hardening of the arteries, heart diseases, chest pain, heart attack is the result. (Healing with Whole Food, Paul Pitchford, pg 19)

So what does that mean?

Simply put, homogenized milk contains XO which is a powerful digestive enzymes aka PROTEIN KNIFE which due to its small size is able to enter our blood and lymph systems. It attacks our vessels, causing wounds, and cholesterol is used to patch it up. Causing hardening of arteries. With the constricting of arteries, ailments such as heart diseases start to develop. A really scary thought indeed.

This is how I envision it looking like. 



So we just have to avoid homogenized milk?

Yes that would be the ideal case. It is easier said than done however, as most commercial milk have been homogenized. Even those 'fresh milk' you see in the chilled section. 

Homogenized milk is any sort of milk that has been mechanically treated to ensure that it has a smooth, even consistency. The homogenization process typically involves high temperatures, agitation, and filtration, all aimed at breaking down milk’s naturally occurring fat molecules. Once broken, these molecules stay suspended in the milk and resist separation. 

Raw milk usually separates into 2 layers

Homogenization allows milk manufacturers to:
- Combine cream and milk so that it does not separate
- Combine milk from different cows (as milk from different cows may not mix well together)
- Filter out fats and lengthens milk’s shelf life

Is homogenization the same as pasteurization?
Some people may confused homogenization to be the same as pasteurization. However, it is different. Pasteurization involves heating milk at very high temperature, then rapidly cooled in order to kill off microbial growth. It is considered by many to be essential in ensuring that the milk is safe for people to drink.

This post is not meant to dissuade you from consuming milk, but to help you become a more savvy consumer. For myself, I find myself reading labels more and looking out for milk that is noit homogenized. A good place to start could be this website- it has a list of places to get milk that is 'healthier'.

To live our best lives, we need to ensure that we are physically fit and bouncing with energy. Taking better care of our physical body is our responsibility and I believe is the Number 1 self-love thing we can do for ourselves.

With Love,
Yu Ting

Sunday, December 10

Nam Yang Kung Fu Retreat

Many of you have asked me about my experience at Nam Yang Kung Fu Retreat in Pai, Chiang Mai, Thailand ( I thought to take this opportunity share my experiences at this wonderful place.

An excerpt from the website

“Immerse yourself in true kung fu in Thailand at the Nam Yang Kung Fu Retreat, our residential meditation and martial arts training retreat. Here, students of kung fu or people simply interested in learning about martial arts and meditation during their travels, can come for any length of time and learn multiple of forms of Chinese Kung Fu for combat and self-defense, as well as Chi Kung and meditation for health, vitality and enlightenment.
We have world-famous Masters of Shaolin Kung Fu and Chi Kung (both hard and soft), who speak fluent English and are supported by a team of dedicated full-time martial artists and teachers.
At our martial arts camp you will enjoy a peaceful setting, among gorgeous mountain views on more than two acres of land near the town of Pai in northern Thailand. This provides our students with the perfect learning environment, conducive to exceptional mental focus, but also with access to local restaurants and Thailand’s rich culture in Pai.”
I first got to know of this Kung Fu retreat after my friend posted a picture of her at the retreat. I was immediately drawn to it, and without much hesitation decided to sign up for a 2-week retreat there. I decided to sign up for the programme for 2 weeks as I felt if I really wanted a proper introduction to the art, I needed at least 2 weeks. 

I had no prior experience in martial arts or whatsoever, but I thought that given the controlled environment, it would be an excellent opportunity to pick up some martial arts skills as well as recharge and reflect upon my life. I did not have much expectations, and simply thought it was a good getaway from the city.

This trip would be my first solo trip. I had never travelled solo before and though I was a little apprehensive at first, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. 

Arriving in Chiang Mai

From Chiang Mai airport, I took a taxi to Arcade Bus Terminal where the minivan to Pai was waiting. Booked the ride from one of those airport counters. The ride cost 200 baht. Tried to bargain it down but the price seemed pretty fixed. Ride to the city was pretty smooth, I arrived at Arcade Bus Terminal in less than 30 min.

Chiang Mai - Pai

There are two main minivan services that offered a ride up to Pai from Chiang Mai. I took Prem Pracha ( and it cost about 150 baht one-way. If you buy it online, it is slightly more expensive, about 200 baht. The other minivan service is by Aya Service ( .

The retreat is situated in the small hippie town of Pai. I loved the town as it has lots of healthy, organic kind of food, and at night, the street turns into a bustling night market with lots of delicious food finds and beautiful crafts.

Pai is approximately a 3-hour minivan ride away from Chiang Mai. As the town is located in the mountainous areas, it has many bends, and some people suffered motion sickness on the ride up (in case you are wondering…there are 762 bends in total). If you are prone to motion sickness, perhaps you can try to sit toward the front of the minivan. I was lucky and got to sit next to the driver, and with my ginger tablets at hand, I found the ride bearable.

Pai - Nam Yang Retreat

The minivan dropped me at the bus station in Pai. From there, I took a taxi to the retreat. The taxi ride costs about 150 baht. If you are adventurous, you can also rent a scooter from one of the many scooter rental places in town and ride up to the retreat. It is about a 10 min ride away. 

This is the bus station in Pai which you will alight at

For more detailed directions on how you can get to the retreat, you can refer to the link here:

The Retreat

 The training ground is located in a very tranquil area with very good, peaceful energy. A conducive place to train

Wednesdays and Saturdays are off-days at the retreat. It is recommended to arrive on the off-days, so you will have time to settle in before training starts. I arrived on a Wednesday.

I signed up for the Shaolin Warrior Programme. It combines the best elements of Chinese Kung Fu, Chi Kung and meditation. On top of this, I also took the Intensive Introductory Course. If you take up the intensive introductory course, you would have an additional hour of training (10am-11am), everyday (except off-days). For more information on the Warrior Programme:

                                     Me doing a pose from the Shuang Yang routine I learnt

I also like how there is a code of conduct to follow here. It reminds me of the days I spent at the Vipassana Meditation Retreat.

Accommodation and Meals

The cost for the retreat includes training, accommodation and 2 meals (breakfast and dinner). Meals served at the retreat are really healthy and tasty with lots of fresh vegetables grown on-site. For lunch, students usually head out to town to have a meal. There are a lot of wholesome and nutritious cafés to choose from.

Special Mention

Speaking of lunch...I can't help but mention one of my favorite places in Pai for lunch. If you are Pai, do look out for this humble stall. They serve really good fruit bowls! The lady boss is really warm, friendly and generous. I enjoy coming here for a healthy big bowl of fruits for lunch between trainings. It is 100 baht for a bowl. Love the coconut milk that gives the extra ohmm to the amazing fruit bowl. It is opposite Siam Books (bookstore selling second hand books). Do keep a look out, you will not be disappointed!

                                                                        Lady boss and I

For accommodation, I stayed in a shared room (see below), with an attached bathroom. The rooms are clean and comfortable. I enjoyed staying in a shared room as I got to meet many different like-minded people. 

                                            Chilling and reading by my porch with a 5-star view

Transportation around Pai

During my stay, I rented a scooter and this allowed me to ride to town anytime I wish. I did not have any prior experience riding, the roads in Pai are pretty safe, and riding a scooter is similar to riding a bike I feel. So if you are up for it, you can also rent one during your stay. I rented my scooter from Aya Service in town. They offer good rates for students of Nam Yang, at 120 baht/day. 

To rent the scooter, you would have to either deposit your passport or 2000 baht. I opted for the latter option as I wanted to keep my passport with me. So do make sure to bring enough cash and your passport along if you decide to head to Aya Service to rent a scooter.

Us with a local taxi driver


Don’t expect training here to be easy. After all, no pain, no gain. If you really want results, you got to work hard. When you attend the retreat, it is important to know what you are there for. Set a clear intention.

The day starts at 6am with Qigong, walking meditation and Shuang Yang. While training can get intense with a lot of physical activities, there is a lot of training on flexibility and strength too. 

However, if you follow the training rigorously, you can expect to have a fitter, toner bod, and I have heard of stories of some of my classmates losing 10kg and more within the first few weeks they are here. I also found myself increasing in flexibility, strength and becoming more toned within the span of my 2 weeks.

This is a sample schedule of how each day looks like.

The People

The people I met at the retreat are really an awesome bunch. They are really warm-hearted, fun, and also motivated individuals. After all, to set aside time to develop yourself takes a great deal of strength. I got to hear many stories from students all over the world...Russia, UK, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Thailand, Canada, India, US, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain…and many more. It is a melting pot of people from different cultures, and the diversity makes interaction so fun.

                       Awesome chill-out session at Moonshine (local bar) the night before day off J

The instructors are also really awesome and inspiring. They are patient when it comes to teaching, zen-like, and they are great examples of living Kung Fu as a way of life.

On Travelling Solo

As a solo female traveller, I felt very safe in Pai. Even though I was travelling alone, I never felt alone. There was always people around, ever-ready to lend a helping hand. The Thais are also a hospitable and friendly bunch and their warm smiles never fail to brighten my day. 

Reasons to go for Nam Yang Kung Fu Retreat
  •          You get to meet many awesome people with interesting stories
  •          Improve flexibility, strength, power, intuition,  and overall fitness level
  •          Learn more about yourself and about life
  •          Learn Kung Fu as a way of life. After all, how you do anything is how you do everything
  •          Get to learn some cool ass-kicking fighting kicks and punches as well as defense techniques

  •         DO rent a scooter during your stay there. You get to travel to nearby places e.g. Hot Spring Resort during your off-days. It is easy to ride, and cheap to rent too. If you do not want to rent a scooter, there will be students there who will be more than happy to offer you a ride
  •          DO visit Pai town (Walking Street) at night, there are many interesting yummy street food at night, worth a visit
  •          DO bring along your swimsuit, students like to head to the hot springs during off days. It is good relaxation after all the training
  •          DO set a clear intention. When you attend the retreat, it is important to know what you are there for.
  •         DO try to stay for at least a week as it gives you sufficient time to learn. However, the longer you can stay the better!
  •     I visited during the period between Nov - Dec. The weather was cooling and I found it a pretty nice season to visit where it is not too hot and there is not too much rain.


I hope you managed to glean some insights into the retreat (at least these were the questions I had when I was doing my research). If not, feel free to drop me a note in the comments box below and I will get back to you J

I will be writing a separate post on my reflections and insights from these 2 weeks retreat. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading and I hope this gave greater clarity on what to expect during the retreat. Just go with an open mind, and throw yourself in, you will never know what you will discover.

With love,

Thursday, August 31

How I Made a Complete Stranger Break Down in Tears...

Me with the Singapore's Favorite Lion!

My parents have always warned me against talking to strangers. "You never know what their true intentions are..." I grew up not questioning that, keeping to my inner circle, minding my own business.
However, I have always wondered. How nice it would be to be able strike up a conversation with anyone. After all, you never know what you will get. Though the idea of approaching strangers scared me, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to step out of my comfort zone and embarked on a personal project to talk to strangers.
One particular story that touched me involved a Filipino maid whom I met at Changi Airport. As I was looking out for people to speak to, I came across this middle-age, dark skinned, simply dressed lady who was staring blankly into space. As she looked as if she had some time to spare, I decided to approach her for a conversation. As an opener, I pretended to ask for directions to the toilet, and before I knew it, the conversation led to her sharing her story...She shared that she was at the airport as she had initially planned to catch a flight home to Manila to attend her daughter's graduation ceremony. However, she had misread the flight timing, and had since missed her flight.
Suddenly her eyes welled up in tears as she shared that missing her flight meant she had to purchase another ticket which was equivalent to one month's worth of her pay. The next flight was only the next morning. She was alone in the airport, and had one day less to be home with her family. Having been in Singapore working as a domestic worker for 9 years, this would be only be her third time back to her home country.
My heart felt a tug of sadness. I was present to how fortunate I was to be with my family and how I never had to worry about not having enough money for basic necessities. Even though I did not know her, I felt a wave of compassion for her and felt that I needed to help her. Before I knew it, I found myself going to buy her some food and withdrawing some money.
When I passed the money and food to the lady, she burst into tears. At that moment, nothing else mattered. I reached out to give her a tight hug as she started sobbing uncontrollably in my arms. I felt her desperation, loneliness, and helplessness. I was glad I was able to play a small part in making her day a little better.
When she asked how she could repay me, I could tell my little act of kindness meant a lot to her. I told her that there's nothing I needed from her and all I wanted was for her to simply pass on the act of kindness.
This incident touched me deeply as I realized everyone has a story to share, if only we care enough to reach out…I was humbled by everyone I spoke to and even though most people were a little surprised to be approached by me, they were really open and connected really fast once they understood my intention. This experience made me realize that we all play a part in making Singapore a more caring society.
I'll like to leave you with some parting words. Be kind to everyone you meet. You never know what they are going through. After all, there are no strangers; only friends you haven't met 🙂

With Love,

Wednesday, August 9

Healthy Eating: What the Health?!


We all know that health is important, and most of us, in the ways we know best, try to stay healthy. We say we care for our health, but how many of us really know what it takes to be healthy? Just because our health report does not show any anomaly, it does not mean we are healthy. What then, defines good health?

"Just because our health report does not show any anomaly, it does not mean we are healthy. What then, defines good health?"

To me, some indications of good health include, feeling energetic, having clarity of thoughts, waking up refreshed, sleeping well every night, not getting tired easily during the day, having smooth bowel movements, physical manifestations would include bright eyes, good complexion, great breath, and having good teeth and strong nails.

Health has always been a topic close to my heart- with the sudden passing of my grandfather, and my grandma contracting colon cancer, I have come to appreciate the importance of good health.

From a young age, I have always been curious about the secret to good health. Is it simply about exercising? Resting more? From paleo diet to raw food diet, intense interval training to yoga, there are different, and often contradictory, schools of thought as to what leads to good health.

My quest to discover the secret to true health and wellness has led me down many paths, from yoga and meditation, to naturopathy, and traditional chinese medicine. All has its benefits, but by far, what I have come to realize as one of the most important factor determining our health and wellness is...our diet.

"By far, what I have come to realize as one of the most important factor determining our health and wellness is...our diet."


One day, I came across this documentary called “What the Health” by Kip Andersen. In the documentary, he detailed the truth about the impact of our diet on our lives, the health impact of meat and dairy products consumption, and questions the practices of the leading health and pharmaceutical organizations. Claims shared were well-researched and supported. 

Trailer for 'What the Health'

The gist of the film promotes a plant-based diet, and cited that major diseases such as cancer and diabetes can be avoided if one were to simply change their diet. Even the strongest animals on the planet e.g. gorilla, elephants, horses, are herbivores, proving that meat is not required to build muscles. The film also feature ultra-marathon runners and sports champion who improved their performance after switching to a plant-based diet.

"The gist of the film promotes a plant-based diet, and cited that major diseases such as cancer and diabetes can be avoided if one were to simply change their diet."

It was truly eye-opening to understand what is going on. How corporations 'determine' what we eat, and unsuspecting consumers continue to feed themselves food that will cause them cancer in the long run. What is going on? Why is no one doing anything about it? The scary part is that it is against the interests of big corporations to let us in on the truth. The livestock, health and pharmaceutical industries, are worth billions of dollars. There is no money to be made when everyone is eating a simple diet, and radiating with good health. This is not something the big boys want.

I would like to strongly urge all of you to watch the full documentary here, and make an informed choice yourself. 


I loved the film as it provided me with the answers I have been searching for. A large part of our health is actually linked to our diet. There is truth in ‘You are what you eat.’ The film debunks the myth that we need animals for protein, and that milk provides us with calcium. It made me realize that many of us have these common misconceptions of what is good for us, what gives us the right nutrients. But thinking back, is it really true? Just because everyone is eating this way, does not make it the right diet.

Just because everyone is eating this way, does not make it the right diet.

Intrigued, I decided to embark on a two weeks vegan diet (definition of vegan: plant-based diet, with no animal-derived products, no eggs, no milk) myself to experience the lauded effects. After all, we cannot take what is being said at face value, and only through epistemology can we determine whether something works for us.

"I decided to embark on a two weeks vegan diet myself to experience the lauded effects."


When I started the diet, what I became very present to was that it was not easy! Eating mainly plant-based was not the issue for me, but it was the entire societal construct that made it difficult being a Vegan. I recall having difficulty when it comes to finding plant-based food to eat. In food courts, and hawker centres, vegan food is rare. In general, healthy food is rare. Most food are oily, greasy, heavy. I ended up eating a lot of salad during that time as there were no other options, and I also grew to love Thunder Tea Rice (which was one of the few vegan options in food courts). It was also very difficult for me when it comes to meeting my friends as meat is a must-have in most people’s diet and vegan options on restaurant menus are often rare.


After two weeks, I have developed better energy, clearer complexion, less tired, clarity of mind, and am more sensitive to energies around me as well. Not sure whether it’s a coincidence but I also attracted more good energy in my life. Perhaps without the negative energy from dead animals, I am vibrating at a higher frequency with cleaner energy. I am glad I embarked on this journey to explore the world of vegan-ism. I have experienced the positive effects and have decided to go on a meat-less as much as possible. 

I have come to believe that the secret to good health and longevity is your diet. When you eat right, your body gets the right building blocks to nourish and repair itself. Be mindful of what you put into your mouth. Eat well. 


Many of us have big dreams. We work hard to achieve our dreams. In the midst of working toward that, sometimes we neglect our health and we pile ourselves with work, sleep late, and overwork our body. To counter our stress, we often end up overindulging in food and alcohol. This all leads to a downward spiral.

We cannot be complacent when it comes to our health. We may be young now and our body is still functioning at its optimal state. Stresses we put upon our body often go undetected, however this does not mean such abuses have no impact on the body. Cancer does not develop overnight. It takes years for the symptoms to develop and that's why we usually see older folks diagnosed with these diseases. However, truth is, we have cancer cells in all of us. It is not too late to start taking care of your health. Our body has an amazing ability to repair itself and as long as we start eating right, the effects will gradually be reversed. 

Let us not neglect our body any longer. Be kind to yourself. Be gentle to yourself. Take charge of your health and do what’s right. Only then, will you be truly free. Your future you will thank the present you.


If you are on a journey to discover what is best for your body to lead a happy and healthy life, I would like to urge you to give the vegan diet a try. Start by choosing to go vegan for two weeks and experience it for yourself how you feel. Experiment and observe how you feel during the period to understand what works for you. 

"Start by choosing to go vegan for two weeks and experience it for yourself how you feel."

Tips: When you decide to go vegan, some friends around you may feel uncomfortable, and you may get comments from them telling you not to continue. Do not give up, people are usually uncomfortable when they see someone else doing something they know is good for them but they are not doing it. :D

Do share your thoughts with me if you decide to embark on this journey.

I hope you learnt something new from my sharing today.

May you be happy and healthy. Remember, health is the greatest wealth, without health, you have nothing. So start now, do what it takes to care of your body.

Friday, June 23

3 things I learnt being a Model for a Day

Me and my photographer, Robert, at the end of the 12-hour photoshoot

My Experience as a Model

In March this year, my dear friend, Robert, a professional photographer, approached me and asked “would you like to be part of my project?”

As you know, I am someone that gets really excited when I hear people talking about pursuing their personal projects. I asked what was expected of me, and little did I expect, he invited me to be his model for his photography project. What an honour!

The first photo Robert took of me 4 years ago. This was candid.

He went on to share with me passionately about #findingcharacter, a project which aims to help individuals discover different aspects of themselves through photos. As part of his project, he has set out to capture portraits of 50 individuals.

The Photoshoot

Seeing this as an excellent opportunity to have some photos taken for keepsake (After all, how often do you get a professional photographer willing to spend a day with you helping you take personal shots!), as well as fulfill that childhood dream of wanting to be a model (hahaha my parents were against the idea), I readily agreed!

The days leading up to the photoshoot was hard work. Robert created a shared folder on Trello and told me to upload the photos of my favourite outfits and accessories. That was when I realised I had a limited wardrobe selection. Most of my clothes were either grey or black. Maybe it’s time to go shopping!

The amount of effort and work Robert put into the planning stage was tremendous. During that time, he planned pages and pages of different styles and poses which he told me to familiarise myself with. He also asked me for the style of photos I was comfortable with, and we narrowed down to some styles which we both agreed on.

A Tiny Hiccup

As Murphy Law states, whatever will go wrong, will go wrong. And that was what happened. Just the day before the photoshoot, I went for Guasha. I must confess I was not thinking clearly. For the uninitiated, it is a Chinese technique to improve circulation and remove toxins from your body. It usually leave marks that takes 2-3 days to subside.

It was much worst. This is a highly filtered image.

After the session, my entire neck and chest area was purplish-red.

When I saw my state after the Guasha session, I winced in dismay, wondering what would Robert say.

When I conveyed the news to him sheepishly, I could sense his frustration as he asked, “how are you going to model for the shoot?” He almost wanted to cancel the entire photoshoot.

I meekly reassured him that I will apply many layers of concealer to attempt to hide the marks.
Robert shared that this was something that photographers have to deal with all the time. No matter how much one prepares for a photoshoot to ensure all will go smoothly, sometimes clients will ‘chu pattern’, meaning, unconsciously sabotage the efforts i.e. not turning up, last minute cancellations, going for Gua Sha etc. As a professional photographer, these were some of the events he had to learn to deal with and react to.
The Actual Day

After about a month of preparation (more on Robert’s end), it was the photoshoot day!

We started our day at 7am. We had a strict timetable to adhere to, and several locations planned for the photoshoot. 

Because of my Guasha marks, Robert advised me to cover up. We agreed to scrape the previous planned outfit and I wore a ‘boyfriend’ shirt instead.

Robert had brought along his full set of photography equipment, lightings and all. Upon reaching the location, he lugged out all his professional photography equipments and started setting up.

Robert’s baby. I think they weigh at least 20kg.

I was impressed by the professionalism and commitment he has for photography. 

The First Set

Being a model was not as easy as it appears. I used to think it was pose, click, next.

But it turned out to be, pose…hold it there…shift slightly left…turn clockwise…slightly anti-clockwise…a little right…hands to the front…smile…tilt head forward…brighter smile…click! And that was just one photo.

As I tried to ignore the swelling heat from my layered outfit (Who wears long sleeve shirt + cardigan in sunny Singapore in the middle of a nature reserve?!), itch from mozzie bites, stares from curious passers-by, I posed as if I was having the time of my life.

I had forgotten the potent-ness of insect bites after being in the city most of my time. To achieve the best effects, we had gone into the wilderness of nature and I had conveniently forgotten to bring my insect repellent along. The insects there were commando insects.

I was thankful that Robert was with me. As an amateur model, and being pretty shy, my poses were stiff and unnatural. However, he was really professional and patient and constantly maintained a bright and positive attitude which was infectious.

Reconnecting with Nature

Slowly, I started to loosen up and got better at posing. I started enjoying the process. As we ventured deeper into the woods, I discovered a side of Singapore which I never knew. It felt like the wilderness. The gentle breeze was caressing my face, with warm beams of sun shining on my hair. I heard birds chirping, I saw eagles. And birds’ nest. Birdwatchers. Lalang field. It was tranquil. It was beautiful and I felt reconnected to life.


After a morning’s worth of hard work, it was finally time for lunch! We headed for Whisk and Paddle at Tebing Lane. I had their Matcha Rose Latte (very fragrant), and Eggs Benedict Half Waffles Set (love the waffles!) with Mushrooms. It was an awesome meal! Highly recommended!

The Second Set

For the second set of photoshoot, we headed from East to the West. The sun was scorching and I had lost the energy and momentum we had in the morning. We took some shots and focused the rest of the time on headshots. I liked headshots as I could just sit at one spot and not have to move much.

Can’t wait to see the final product!

We tried out different looks, from the ‘sweet girl next door’ look which I was most comfortable with, to the sexy, seductive look which I felt was really unlike me. I almost couldn’t recognise myself.
The photoshoot allowed me to reconnect to different parts of myself, and tap into the seldom seen, hidden side, of me. I ventured out of my comfort zone. Out of the ‘self’ which I usually know.

The entire photoshoot lasted till almost 6pm and at the end I felt I had learnt so much. My posing has improved and I also got to understand photography slightly better.


It was a day well-spent. Not only did I get experience being a model, I was presented with several lessons as well. 

Preparation and Practice makes Perfect
Being a model is not just about glitz and glamour. Behind every perfect photo, countless hours of toll and sweat goes into it. Like any masterpiece, to reach perfection, it is hard work. And this is often the part we don't see. While luck plays a part, preparation and practice is of utmost importance if one really wants to consistently achieve perfection in an area.

Embrace Imperfection
Through this experience, I learnt to be more comfortable in my own skin. Beauty comes from within and there is no standard form of beauty. It is the little imperfections in someone that makes the person perfect. These are the qualities that makes you YOU. I have always felt my hair was too flat, and had bad eye bags, but I learnt to be comfortable with these imperfections and just be. Anyway I realized these are small matters that can be easily solved with some hair volumnizer and some photoshop magic. ;)

Most Photos taken Never Saw Light
We took over 200 photos that day, however, only less than 50% of it were up to standard. The rest are disposed of. This reminds me of how inaccurately photos on magazine covers depict reality.

I didn’t have to wait long to see my photos. Robert shared the photos with me 2 weeks after the photoshoot, having painstakingly edited every single photo. I was really pleased with the results from the photoshoot and felt a warm glow within as my family and friends commented that I looked really nice in the photos. I also found back some of my inner confidence from the beautifully taken shots. 

Thanks Robert!

The Result

Robert sent me over 100 photos. Here are some of my favourites:

Photoshoot for you?

I would strongly recommend for everyone to go for a photoshoot at least once in their life. This is a good opportunity to reconnect to yourself and perhaps you may discover different sides of yourself you never knew. I can assure you it would be a really memorable experience. Do share with me your experience if you decide to go for one!