About The Blog

An idealist, and a seeker of truth, I believe that if each of us show a little kindness to those around us, to all living and non-living things, the world would be a better place.
This blog documents my journey in life and quest to search within. I hope that my writing will inspire you to start taking charge of your life, making conscious decisions, so that at the end of the day, you can say you have lived a life well-lived. Embrace your uniqueness.
'You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.'
I hope you will have a good stay!
An introvert, avid reader and learner of life, Yuting is always on the look out for new experiences and opportunities. She is also an internationally certified life coach (ACC, ICF), Associate Financial Planner, IFPAS, Competent Communicator, Toastmasters International. She graduated with Magna Cum Laude in Double Degree in Business (Marketing) and Social Sciences (Sociology). 

With Love, Yuting was chosen to be the title of this blog as each entry is a message intended with love to inspire you towards a happy and healthy life.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog. glad I chanced upon it. keep going!
